
Terrorists kill 15 farmers in Mafa, several others missing

Suspected Boko Haram terrorists on Sunday attacked rice farmers on their farmlands in kakuri and Koshebe village of Mafa Local Government Area of Borno State and killed 15 innocent farmers while several other villagers are still missing.

It was learnt that the Boko Haram insurgents raided the rice farms, arrested the farmers and slaughtered them with knives while they were harvesting rice and other farm produce on their farmlands in Karkut and Koshebe villages of Mafa LGA of the state.

According to sources, the Civilian Joint Task Force intervened and recovered 13 dead bodies from the farmlands while search for missing framers is still in progress .

The sources said,” We are sad this incident is happening again this year, we lost more than a dozen of our farmers from Zabarmari who were attacked on Sunday evening while working on their rice fields in Mafa LGA.

“The whole town is sad and we are mourning as we speak. Security agencies and CJTF are still searching for those who are missing but 13 dead bodies have so far been recovered,.”

However, a senior security source said the terrorists came on motorcycles and divided into three groups to the villages before launching the attacks on the rural farmers.

He added that the terrorists cleverly did not attract any attention as they did not use gunshots rather they used cutlasses and knives to attack their victims.

“Nine bodies were recovered as at Yesterday (Sunday) night, while the search for others who fled the attacks are still ongoing,” he said.

Another CJTF source disclosed that the dead bodies have already been buried according Islamic rites in their various villages .

The spokesman, 7 Division, Nigerian Army Maimalari Cantonment Maiduguri, Lt. Zingina, confirmed the attack to newsmen on telephone but said there was no details about the attack yet before the military as at Monday morning .