NRC resumes Abuja -Kaduna train services on Saturday

The management of Nigerian Railway Corporation(NRC), has restored train  services along Abuja -Kaduna route .

Train service along the route was suspended on Wednesday following terrorists attack that blew up the rail line in some portion of the route.

A statement by the management of NRC said it resumed service on Saturday , October 23rd, 2021. The statement  read thus: 

“The Board and Management of the Nigerian railway corporation (NRC) hereby inform the general public, particularly our valued passengers that Abuja – Kaduna Train Services (AKTS) resume tomorrow, Saturday, 23rd October, 2021 as follows, From, IDU, Abuja (AK3) at 0950am. From RIGASA, Kaduna (KA4) at 1035am. Subsequent trains services continue. NRC, once again sincerely apologises for the inconvenience.
Signed NRC, Management”