Abdullahi Shawesh
Abdullahi Shawesh

Day 279: Gaza Faces Unprecedented Humanitarian Crisis Amidst Escalating Violence – Palestine Envoy

…Israel Intensifies Attacks, Gaza’s Humanitarian Situation Deteriorates

As the conflict in Gaza enters its 279th day, the region is witnessing one of the most severe humanitarian crises in recent history. According to Palestinian Ambassador, Abdullah Shawesh, Israel the occupying power, continues to exercise control over various aspects of Palestinian life, effectively relegating Palestinians to the role of perpetual suspects in their own land.

Adding that the death toll among Palestinians has reached a staggering 38,193, with an additional 87,903 injured since the conflict intensified on October 7, 2023. “The numbers include 9,510 detainees, among them 325 women and 660 children, as well as 7,170 administrative detainees. These statistics do not account for Gazans subjected to enforced disappearances in military camps.”

“The humanitarian toll extends beyond immediate casualties. Nowhere in Gaza is safe, not even for humanitarian workers. So far, 274 aid workers and volunteers have been killed, many while performing their duties or with their families at home.

“Food insecurity in Gaza has reached critical levels, with 96% of the population facing acute food shortages. Nearly half a million people are living in catastrophic conditions, and over half a million women are experiencing severe food insecurity, often prioritizing feeding their children over themselves.

“The water crisis is equally dire. Israel’s destruction of water infrastructure has drastically reduced the availability of potable water. The occupation forces have destroyed 9 out of 10 main water tanks and half of the water networks. This has caused the per capita share of water to plummet from 84.6 liters to as little as 3 to 15 liters per day. The breakdown of all six sewage treatment plants has exacerbated the situation, with 130,000 cubic meters of sewage being discharged daily onto roads and between shelters.

“Journalists have not been spared in the ongoing violence. The Palestinian Journalist Syndicate reports that 152 media correspondents have been killed, 100 journalists arrested, and 86 press and media institutions shut down. The families of many journalists have also been targeted in the bombardments.

“The health crisis in Gaza is worsening, with thousands of sick and wounded trapped due to the blockade. More than 12,000 wounded and 14,000 sick people, including 10,000 suffering from cancer and other serious diseases, are unable to leave Gaza for treatment. The blockade has led to a shortage of medical supplies and personnel, further endangering lives.

Adding to the dire conditions, the accumulation of waste and sewage in displaced persons camps has led to outbreaks of scabies and other diseases, posing a significant public health threat, he added.

“Despite these harrowing conditions, the Biden administration has resumed shipping 500-pound bombs to Israel, a move that had been paused in an attempt to mitigate civilian casualties. This decision has drawn criticism from those who view the U.S. as complicit in the ongoing conflict.

He called on the international community to act as soon as possible. “Counting the dead and injured is not enough; real action is needed to uphold international law and ensure the safety and dignity of the Palestinian people. Ignoring these violations has broader implications, as global stability is interlinked with the enforcement of human rights.

“As the crisis deepens, the proverb resonates: “We were devoured the day the white bull was eaten.” The time for the world to intervene and prevent further devastation is now.