Abdullahi Shawesh
Abdullahi Shawesh

Day 265: Conflict, Rising Casualties Persist in Gaza

Gaza, June 30, 2024 – The Israeli military campaign against Gaza has reached its 265th day, leaving an unprecedented humanitarian crisis in its wake. Families are torn apart, infrastructure lies in ruins, and the death toll continues to rise, drawing international condemnation and calls for urgent intervention.

According to Palestinian Ambassador to Nigeria, Abdullah Shawesh the Palestinian people in Gaza are enduring severe hardships as a result of the ongoing conflict.

“Over 37,718 individuals have been killed, with the majority of victims being women and children. Hospitals, such as Kamal Adwan, report daily arrivals of children suffering from malnutrition, with 30 children confirmed dead from starvation in recent weeks. Philippe Lazzarini, UNRWA Commissioner-General, highlights the tragic reality where ten children lose limbs every day.

“The conflict has resulted in widespread destruction and a massive humanitarian crisis. Israeli forces have dropped 75,000 tons of explosives on Gaza, equivalent to six nuclear bombs, according to Save the Children. This bombardment has turned homes, schools, hospitals, and places of worship into rubble. An estimated 10,000 people are missing under the debris, presumed dead. The conflict has also caused severe educational disruptions, with over half a million children deprived of education for eight months and 39,000 high school students unable to take their exams”, he added.

The crisis has been escalating for 265 days, with significant developments as of June 24, when the death toll surged and malnutrition deaths were reported. The conflict’s impact on education and healthcare has been ongoing, with long-term implications for the population’s well-being.

The besieged Gaza Strip is the epicenter of the conflict. The densely populated region has witnessed extensive bombings and blockades, leading to a dire humanitarian situation. The northern Gaza Strip has been particularly affected by malnutrition, with hospitals overwhelmed by the influx of starving children.

The conflict is part of a broader geopolitical struggle, with global economic and political order implications. According to reports, Israel has received $6.5 billion in security aid from the United States since October 7. Critics argue that this support fuels the ongoing violence and exacerbates the humanitarian crisis. The blockade and forced disappearance policies further aggravate the situation, depriving the Palestinian government of resources and subjecting detainees to severe torture and degradation.

The war’s impact is multifaceted, affecting every aspect of life in Gaza. Over a million women and girls have lost their homes, families, and dignity, as reported by Maryse Guimond, UN Women Special Representative for Palestine. The conflict has also led to the discovery of mass graves, with bodies showing signs of torture. The international community is urged to open impartial investigations into these violations.

According to Shawesh, the international community, including the United Nations, must rise to intervene and conduct impartial investigations into the crimes committed against Palestinian detainees and prisoners. “Recent developments, such as Armenia’s recognition of Palestine as an independent nation, highlight the need for global solidarity and support for Palestinian sovereignty.

The situation in Gaza remains dire, with urgent calls for humanitarian aid and political solutions to end the suffering and pave the way for peace and stability in the region.