Winners emerge in Lagos schools’ dance competition

Some secondary schools in Lagos State promoted the practice of African dances while donning different cultural regalia at the fifth edition of the Festival of African Dances, also known as Danse Afrikana.

During the event, which was held at the Artists’ Village, National Theatre, four secondary schools from different districts in the state engaged in a dance competition.

Of the four, Gbaja Senior Girls School came first, Mokoya Senior Secondary School came second, while Expressway Senior Secondary School came third in the competition.

The dance festival is born out of the initiative to expose the young ones to traditional dances while also providing a platform for the participation of extracurricular activities that promote the all-around learning experiences of the African child.

The event’s organizer, Stella Uwamanau, said, “The initiative is to keep our African culture intact. Looking at other dances and African dances, one would see that the African dance is losing its content. Everybody is going for Contemporary dance. But Danse Africana is encouraging everyone to keep the culture of Africa. “

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