Troops neutralize 1,910 terrorists, criminals in 8 months, says DHQ

Defence Headquarters said on Thursday that a total of 1,910 criminal elements including terrorists, armed bandits, robbers and kidnappers  were neutralized by troops across the country in the past eight months.

It also said troops will continue to sustain the offensive and will not relent until peace is restored to every troubled zone in Nigeria just as it  assured the general public of its “commitment to protect lives and properties as well as our economic assets anywhere, with renewed vigour this year.”

Acting Director of Defence Media Operations, Major General Benard Onyeuko disclosed this in Abuja while highlighting the achievements recorded  between May 20th, 2021 and January 6th, 2022  in the various military  operations against insurgents, bandits kidnappers and other criminals in the country.

“This (the figure)  is in addition to scores of other terrorists and armed bandits killed during air strikes within the period,” he stated.

Major General Onyeuko was however silent on the number of troops that paid the supreme price during the period in their efforts to restore and sustain peace.
According to him, “troops also rescued a total  of 729 kidnapped victims across the Country and … made a cumulative total recoveries of thirteen million, two hundred and one thousand, three hundred (13,201,300) litres of illegally refined Automotive Gas Oil and three million, nine hundred and sixty-nine thousand (3,969,000) litres of Dual Purpose Kerosene.”  

Furthermore a total of 38,582 barrels and six million, four hundred and ninety-one    thousand (6,491,000) litres of stolen crude oil as well as eleven million, six hundred and fifty-nine thousand, five hundred (11,659,500) litres of illegally refined Premium Motor Spirit were recovered by the troops and handed appropriately. 

The Acting Director of Defence Media Operations said that additionally, “a total of 912 criminal elements were arrested, while large cache of arms and ammunition as well as livestock among other items of economic and security concerns were recovered by the troops during the period.”

Major general  Onyeuko said that evidence in the field is testimony that “our operational performance for the year 2021 shows our commitment to ensure peace is restored in the Country.”

” It also shows the synergy between the Nigerian military and other Security Agencies is succeeding in tackling the security challenges facing the Country,”adding that High Command of the Nigerian Military thanked the general public and members of the press for their support and further solicit everyone’s cooperation towards providing credible and timely information that will facilitate proactive engagements in its operations.