Police admits killing Emmanuel Ogbogu in a shoot out , Counsel tells IIP-SARS

The Independent Investigation Panel on Human Rights Violations by defuct Special Anti-Robbery Squad and other units of the Nigerian Police Force  heard  on Wednesday that the Police had admitted to the killing  of Mr Emmanuel Ogbogu  before the National Assembly House Committee on Public Petitions and did attest that effect in writing.

Counsel to  a complainant, M.E. Chukwu  made the  disclosure .He said that the Anambra state Police Command where the incident allegedly took place had written a letter to the National Assembly Committee stating  that Mr. Emmanuel Ogbogu, the subject matter of the petition had since died and was buried after a shoot-out involving him and some Police Officers in Anambra state.

He said that the Police in the same letter stated that the autopsy report on the corpse of the deceased was burnt during the END SARS protest in 2020 and therefore cannot lay hands on it.

In view of the above development, the 11-Member Panel chaired by Justice Suleiman Galadima (rtd) directed the leader of the Police legal team, James Idachaba to take a copy of the said letter to the Force Headquarters to ascertain the veracity or otherwise of the letter and report back to the panel.

Besides, the panel directed Idachaba to ensure that officers whose attention are needed at the panel are allow to appear as requested, as the panel has limited time to dispense with the petitions before it.
Earlier, Idachaba informed the panel that he will make effort to reach Celestine Ani, the 1st respondents to appear before the panel, since petitioner’s counsel said he is currently serving in Anambra state government.
He said that Mr James Nwafor who is the 2nd respondent will be difficult to reach because he has retired and he does not know his current address.
The matter was adjourned to 13th of December, 2021.