Over 200 FRSC personnel are undergoing driving techniques course in Army school

The Corps Marshal Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC) Dr Boboye Oyeyemi has over 200 personnel of the Corps are presently undergoing Basic Driving Techniques Course at the Nigerian Army School of Supply and Transport, Benin, Edo State

Oyeyemi lauded the Nigerian Army for the gesture and  her support to human capacity development  of the Corps

He made  the commendation on  Thursday November 18, 2021 during a courtesy call  on the Chief of Army Staff (COAS), Lieutenant General Faruk Yahaya at the Army Headquarters, Abuja.

 Dr Oyeyemi, expressed appreciation to the Nigerian Army (NA) for providing adequate  training platforms for officers and men of the FRSC, adding that the gesture has repositioned the Corps in the discharge of its constitutional roles.

He commended the COAS for approving the use of military infrastructures  across  formations and units of the Nigerian Army for training of  FRSC personnel. 

Dr Oyeyemi  expressed  satisfaction over the compliance  of Nigerian Army personnel to traffic rules and regulations, which he said has made the organization’s work easier. 

Responding, the COAS , Lt Gen Faruk Yahaya appreciated the Corps Marshal for his visit to the Army Headquarters. He assured that the NA is ever ready to support and collaborate with other agencies in consonance with his vision to have,  ” A professional Nigerian Army, ready to Accomplish Assigned Missions Within a Joint Environment in Defence of Nigeria”.

The COAS also extolled the Corps Marshall for his efforts towards minimizing accidents on Nigerian roads.