One Year Anniversary: Terem Moffi gifts C’River Deputy Governor Odey  French Ligue 1 Club Nice jersey in Calabar

Terem Moffi, the Nigerian Super Eagles and Ligue 1 Club Nice forward, presented a customized OGC Nice football club jersey to the Deputy Governor of Cross River State, Rt. Hon. Peter Odey.

The presentation took place on Thursday, May 30th, 2024, at the Pristine Villa Event Centre, Calabar, where Governor Bassey Otu held a media parley and dinner with journalist to mark his first year in office alongside his deputy.

Terem Moffi, 25, hails from Ogoja Local Government Area, Cross River State. He was included in the Super Eagles squad for the 2024 African Cup of Nations, held in Ivory Coast.

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