OBJ Urge Nigerian Politicians To Priorities Human Welfare, Food Security



Former President Olusegun Obasanjo has advised Nigerian politicians and leaders to make food security a top priority, in addition to ensuring health and overall security of lives and properties of the citizenry. 

The former president who spoke in Sokoto during the formal unveiling of 136 housing units built by the Federal Government during the immediate past President Muhammadu Buhari regime and sold to Sokoto state government at the rate of N1.820bn further commended the governor for working the talk.

According to Obasanjo, securing a second term in office might be an easy ride for Sokoto state governor judging by the numerous people oriented developmental projects he has seen just within one year in office. 

Recall that the State governor, Ahmed Aliyu Sokoto had promised to allocate the purchased houses to low income earners and other citizens in the state on owner occupier basis inorder to address the growing need for shelter in the state.

” Your strong, energetic and resilient qualities in leadership have made you to get it all within the space of time of your one year in office as governor. No

“Putting all these in place will surely brighten your chances of seeking a second term mandate without stress” Obasanjo enthused. 

While stating that, the former governor of Sokoto state and leader of the All Progressive Party (APC) Senator Aliyu Magatakarda Wamakko has made a wise choice in governor Ahmed, Obasanjo also applauded the Sultan of Sokoto and President  General, Nigeria Supreme Council for Islamic Affairs (NSCIA), Muhammad Saad Abubakar 111 for his leadership prowess in the caliphate.

” I will say Wamakko remain a good mentor who has gotten a good mentee in the person of the governor “, Obasanjo affirmed. 

Speaking earlier, Sokkto state governor, Ahmed Aliyu said coming up with numerous housing projects was in fulfilment of his campaign promises to deliver human oriented projects that would improve the welfare and living standards of the people of Sokoto.

” We are determined to continue developing the state for proper repositioning and providing state of the arts adjourning facilities at all sites including Islamiyya schools, markets, play grounds among others””. 

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