Nigeria Is Under Siege By Terrorists Unleashing Mayhem And Crippling The Society, Live Up To Your Responsibility – Northern CAN Tells Buhari

The Northern Leadership of the Christian Association of Nigeria (CAN) has called on President Muhammadu Buhari to tackle the worsening insecurity in the nation, stating that terrorists operate unchallenged.

Speaking in Kaduna on Sunday July 31, Sunday Oibe, Secretary-General of CAN in the 19 northern states and the FCT, stated that Nigeria is under siege by terrorists.

Oibe stated that proactive steps are needed to pull the country from collapse. He said;

“Nigeria is under siege by terrorists who are unleashing mayhem on the citizens and crippling economic and social activities across the country, particularly in states like Kaduna, Katsina, Zamfara, Niger, Benue, Plateau, Taraba, Kebbi, Sokoto and even Abuja, the seat of power.

“The continuous brazen and commando-like style, with which these terrorists operate unchallenged, even to the extent of issuing a threat to kidnap the President of the Federal Republic of Nigeria, is worrisome.”

“Northern CAN, hereby, calls on President Muhammadu Buhari and the National Assembly to stop living in denial.

“Nigeria is on the verge of collapse if urgent steps are not taken to stem the deadly activities of terrorists and other criminal elements across the country. No where is safe!

Once again, we call on President Buhari to rise to the occasion, by living up to his constitutional responsibility of protecting lives and property of citizens and defending the sovereignty of Nigeria.”

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