NCC seeks support of FRSC, VIO, Traffic wardens in anti-piracy operations

The Director-General Nigerian Copyright Commission (NCC), Dr. John  Asein has called on officers of the Federal Road Safety Corps (FRSC), Vehicle Inspection Officers (VIO) and Police Traffic Wardens to support the Commission in its anti-piracy operations across the country by identifying and assisting its officers on field enforcement functions.

The Director-General stated this while declaring open a Driver’s Performance Improvement Training organised for NCC Drivers at the Commission’s Headquarters in Abuja .

Dr. Asein noted that the Commission would strengthen its relationship with various Agencies responsible for regulating road and transportation systems to ensure ease of movement for copyright officers, especially during enforcement operations.

“If you know us, then you will be able to help facilitate easy passage for our officers during anti-piracy operations. As agencies involved in enforcement activities, it is important that we promote the espirit de corps that should exist amongst us and we call on you to always be prepared to assist us in intercepting pirates”, he stressed.

The Director-General tasked the drivers to be more proactive in the discharge of their duties while assuring them that the Commission would continue to invest in the training of staff with a view to sharpening their skills and provide more on-the-job diligence reward packages.

He admonished them to reciprocate the Commission’s efforts by also paying attention to self-development. “None of you is condemned to be a driver for life. You should continue to improve and pursue career growth so as to remain useful to yourselves, to the Commission and to our dear country. I, therefore, urge you to take the training seriously and remember that to whom much is given, much is required.

He thank the resource persons, the NCC Director of Administration, Dr. Idowu Ogunkuade and his team, for organising the training, noting that it was a clear indication of “how important the Commission views its drivers and their contributions to the actualisation of the its mandate”.

Speaking earlier, Dr. Ogunkuade assured that the Commission under the leadership of the Director-General remained committed to the well-being and training of staff members across all cadres. He enjoined the drivers to be good ambassadors of the Commission by remaining law abiding and complying with all road traffic codes and regulations.

Series of papers on  various topic such as “Time Management” by the NCC Director of Administration; “Vehicle maintenance and road worthiness: Expectations from the drivers”, by VIO Area Commander, Mr. Yakubu Musa, “Curtailing road traffic crash in Nigeria: A collective responsibility”, by the Unit Commander, FRSC, Central Business District, Abuja, Assistant Corps Commander, Mr. Chukwuma Owoechukwu.

Other presentations were: “Traffic offences and offenders: Ethics and Code of road usage”, by Superintendent of Police, F.C.T. Command, Utako Division, Abuja, Mr. Uduebor Fredrick; “Health Talk/Medical Examination”, by Mrs. Rose Chinyam from Well Life Hospital, Abuja; and “Office ethics and attitudes”, by Assistant Chief Administration Officer, Mrs. Nelly Ayua.

Other Directors of NCC at the opening ceremony were: Mr. Mark Obasi, Director, Finance and Accounts; Mr. Bitrus Dauda, Director, Planning, Research and Statistics (PRS); Mr. Obi Ezeilo, Director, Operations; Mr. Vincent A. Oyefeso, Director, Public Affairs; and Mr. Emeka Ogbonna, Director, Legal.