Caleb Mutfwang
Caleb Mutfwang

Mutfwang Condemns Violent Attack on Task Force, Urges Swift Justice

Plateau State Governor, Caleb Mutfwang, has strongly condemned the attack on the Task Force responsible for enforcing Executive Order 003 by some criminal elements.

 In a statement issued by his Director of Press and Public Affairs (DOPPA), Mr. Gyang Bere, the governor expressed his dismay at the assault on the task force, which was mandated to regulate buildings and vehicular traffic within the Greater Jos master plan. 

He described the incident at Bukuru market in Jos South Local Government Area as an act of lawlessness.

 Mutfwang went on to express his regret over the actions of the attackers, condemning the violence against the task force and the endangerment of the lives of traders. He urged street vendors to relocate as designated by the government for lawful business activities. 

The statement reads, “The reckless behavior of the attackers, who used dangerous weapons to harm and loot shops, resulting in the destruction of innocent traders’ vehicles, is unacceptable. One suspect even fatally shot his own accomplice during the chaos.” 

Mutfwang called on security agencies to swiftly apprehend all perpetrators and ensure they face justice promptly. He emphasized the State government’s commitment to deal decisively with troublemakers.

 Regarding Executive Order 003, the Governor highlighted its purpose to protect Jos from becoming a slum and a hub for criminal activities. He reiterated his administration’s dedication to working with law-abiding citizens to promote peace and unity in the state. 

Mutfwang also appealed to religious and community leaders in the affected area to guide their followers against unlawful behavior and take measures to prevent criminal elements from causing further disorder. He extended sympathies to those whose vehicles and properties were vandalized during the incident.