Mohammed Fawehinmi played noble roles in advancing people’s cause-Orji Kalu

The Chief Whip of the Senate, Sen. Orji Kalu, has lamented the death of Mohammed Fawehinmi, the first child of late legal luminary and human rights activist, Chief Gani Fawehinmi.

The News Agency of Nigeria (NAN) reports that Mohammed died on Wednesday at the age of 52.

Kalu, in a condolence message issued on Thursday in Abuja, described late Mohammed as a cerebral lawyer and upright human rights activist.

The former governor of Abia condoled with the government and people of Ondo over the loss.

While praying to God to grant the deceased eternal rest, Kalu urged the Fawehinmi family to be comforted in the remarkable life Mohammed lived.

“The death of the eldest child of late legal luminary, Chief Gani Fawehinmi, Mohammed is shocking and painful.

“The younger Fawehinmi in his life time played noble roles in advancing the cause of the people.

“He was successful in his profession and humanitarian gestures.

“ The deceased left behind good legacies worthy of emulation,” Kalu said.

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