Military deploys helicopters to monitor Abuja- Kaduna rail line

Military helicopters have been deployed to patrol Abuja -Kaduna rail line and the main road  the Defence Headquarters said  in Abuja on Thursday.

The Acting Director of Defence Media Operations, Brigadier General Benard Onyeuko disclosed this during a press briefing on operations. He said Nigerian Air Force helicopters have commenced air patrol along the rail line with a view to eliminate threats, attacks and fears.

Though, he did not explain  the circumstances that necessitated the deployment, it is in public domain that  unknown persons  suspected to be terrorists and bandits had on October 20, attacked  the  Abuja-Kaduna rail tracks and blown up the rail line. Though train services have  since been restored, fears of attacks have  lingered among the public.

“We will not relent nor rest on our oars in the fight against criminalities in all parts of the Country,” Brigadier General Onyeuko assured .
 He said that troops of  Operation HADIN KAI conducted series of land and air operations across the North East theatre and recorded commendable results.

According to him, “the sustained synergy in the land and air operational efforts have continued to degrade the operational capabilities of the terrorist elements, limit their freedom of action and drive scores of them into surrendering.”

“Some of these operations were executed at different locations in Borno and Yobe States, including; Rann, Dalayazara, Gwange Kura, Bam Buratai, Makintakuri and Muduvi villages as well as Marte – Dikwa and Buni Yadi – Jauro Bashir roads.”

In the course of these operations within the period of 2 weeks, 31 terrorists were neutralized and 71 of them arrested including 2 women logistics suppliers namely Mrs Aisha Umar 19 years with a child of (2 years) and Mrs Kaltumi Bakura 20 years all resident at IDP Camp in Bama, he said. 

 Also a total of 122 assorted weapons was recovered. Additionally, a total of 97 kidnapped civilians were rescued, while a total of 1,186 of BHT elements and their families comprising 226 adult males, 406 adult females and 555 children surrendered to own troops at different locations in Borno State, he added.

 He said all recovered items have been handed appropriately and rescued victims reunited with their families, while the arrested and surrendered terrorists have been profiled and handed over to appropriate authorities for further action. 

In the North West Zone  , the troops of Operation HADARIN DAJI continued its offensive  and carried out extensive land and air operations across the theatre within the period under review.

These operations were conducted at different locations including; Maidabino Town in Danmusa LGA as well as Gidan Diya village and Faskari town in Faskari LGA of Katsina State. 

Other locations were; Gusau – Magami road in Maru LGA where bandits ambushed police patrol vehicle and killed seven police officers last Friday ; Dauran village in Zurmi LGA and Munhaya forest, all in Zamfara State. There was operation in  Zodi Hills along Zuru road in Kebbi State. 

“Cumulatively, a total    of 16 criminal elements were arrested; 13 armed bandits were neutralized and 6 kidnapped civilians were rescued; while 12 assorted arms and 77 rounds of 7.62mm ammunitions were recovered within the period of 2 weeks.”

Troops were not only engaged in fighting, but held peace and security meeting with community and youth leaders and other critical Stakeholders, in form of non-kinetic approach to addressing the security challenges in the North West Zone of the Country.

Brigadier General Onyeuko said thatthe general security situation in the North Central Zone was relatively calm within the period in focus but some locations recorded pockets of incidents. 
” These locations includes Boi village in Mangu LGA; Rikko, Gangere and Dutse Uku areas of Jos North LGA; Heipang village in Barkin Ladi LGA and Gumsher village in Kanam LGA of Plateau State. 

“Other locations were; Gurawa village under Kundum District in Tafawa Balewa LGA of Bauchi State as well as Jankasa village in Zangon Kataf LGA, Wasa Station in Sanga LGA and Agban village in Jama’a LGA of Kaduna State.