Court orders arrest of beauty Therapist Pamela Onyeagusi, freezes her account

….Just as FCCPC’s investigations exonerated judge of threatening her

▪︎Pamela Onyeagusi, aka Lotela Beauty, on the run from the law

The Federal High Court in Abuja has issued a warrant of arrest on Abuja beauty therapist Pamela Onyeagusi for evading trial on four count charges preferred against her by Federal Competition and Consumer Protection Commission (FCCPC).

The court, last week’s Friday also freezen Onyeagusi account. It ordered FCCPC and other security agencies to declare Pamela wanted in local and international dailies.

Justice Gladys Olotu issued the order after all attempts by FCCPC to get the beauty Therapist arraign on four count charges failed.The suspect reportedly acted contemptuously of the court by not causing an appearance in court after series of adjournments.

Recall that FCCPC had brought the charge after an exhaustive investigation hearing of her practice after a judge Justice Z.M. Bashir of the National Industrial Court filed a complaint.

The complaint followed posts in her Instagram page that she carried out a cosmetic surgery that went wrong on Justice Z.M. Bashir of the National Industrial Court, and for which her life is allegedly being threatened by the judge.

The Beauty Therapist, Pamela Onyeagusi, aka Lotela Beauty denied before the Federal Competition and Consumer protection Commission (FCCPC) her own claims.

Prior to the denial of her claim before the FCCPC, Pamela had embarked on a series of malicious narratives on her instagram page @lotela_beauty against Justice Bashir that the judge threatened to kill her because she carried out a failed cosmetic surgery on her; whereas the service she rendered was facial treatment not cosmetic surgery.

Pamela’s falsehood against Justice Bashir had first made the rounds in December 2022, in which she strung together some misleading stories in several defamatory social media publication, including unsubstantiated allegations of her life (Pamela’s) being threatened.

Justice Bashir’s legal team led by three learned silks, namely, S. I. Ameh (SAN), J. S. Okutepa SAN, Samuel Zibiri (SAN), with a host of other lawyers had filed a complain at the FCCPC on the matter on behalf of their client.

It was learnt that in the course of the investigations and proceedings launched by the Commission in January 2023, a number of facts unravelled.

Pamela, as gathered, misled the public by deliberately spreading falsehood entitled “cosmetic surgery gone wrong”, whereas no surgery ever took place in accordance with her confession before the commission.

She was said to have admitted that she was not a medical doctor, surgeon, nor trained medical professional, and, as such, could not and did not carry out any surgery on the judge at any time.

Pamela was said to have further admitted that Justice Bashir only came for a routine facial treatment on May 8, 2022 and that in the course of treatment she (Pamela) brought out her laser machine, on which usage she confessed that she was not trained but still went ahead to use it to inflict grievous injury on the judge.

Seven months after the incident, Pamela went to the press with the aid of her Lawyer, Barr. Adaeze, who allegedly advised her to taint the image of the Judge by alleging that she was being threatened so that the complainant/ judge would be compelled to drop the case at the FCCPC.

It was further learnt that a number of revelations came to the fore in the process of investigation and hearing by the FCCPC, including the confession by Pamela that she had no qualification in any branch of medicine and that she failed to seek any medical guide while using the laser machine.

Pamela, as learnt, also told the FCCPC that she operated her spa in the dining of her residential apartment without any regulatory/compliance approval for commercial purposes from the relevant government agencies.

In addition, Pamela, according to the findings by the FCCPC, lacked the requisite professional qualification to carry out the type of practice which she did and this led to the injury inflicted on the complainant/Judge.

Ms. Pamela’s only qualification, the Commission reportedly found out, was a certificate of attendance of a two-day online training on permanent make up, which the Commission held strongly as constituting a risk to other unsuspecting members of the public.

Contrary to the claim that Justice Bashir was threatening her life, feelers that came from the Commission indicated that Ms. Pamela confessed that no threat was issued to her by the complainant, who also never called her in person.

Pamela was said to have told the FCCPC that she was instigated by another judge who misled her into believing that the complainant was well connected and would deal with her.

A source close to the FCCPC said that not only did Pamela admit to resorting to blackmail against Justice Bashir for fear of being dealt with, she (Pamela) was said to have informed the panel sitting that Barr. Adaeze introduced her to a certain journalist for the purpose of making a malicious publication about Justice Bashir, even while admitting that what was published was not true.

Consequent upon inquisition by the FCCPC panel, the source hinted that she admitted that she made no effort to correct or withdraw the “wicked, concocted, unfounded, vilifying, and malicious stories after seeing the publication.”

Perhaps, the most intriguing dimension to her responses to questions by the FCCPC panel sitting, as further learnt, was her confession that she was sponsored to maliciously malign the name and character of Justice Bashir by another judge (name withheld) of the Court of Appeal, and the source quoted her to have said that she was advised to leave town afterwards.

Pamela was said to have maintained that there was no threat to her life by Justice Bashir, who she defamed and that she was only acting on the instructions of her sponsor (s).

The bench warrant for her arrest was issued on May 23, 2023, and since then , she has been on the run as all efforts to execute the warrant have proved abortive.

Police could not execute the warrant of arrest as the beauty Therapist has ran away from the law, having moved out of her house, changed her SIM card, and even switched telephone numbers at intervals.

It was learnt that a visit to her house at No 6 Inuwa Wada Street, Utako, Abuja by bench warrant-executing officials showed that the place was empty and deserted. , the court heard, w

When the matter came up on Friday, July 21, 2023 the court was left with no alternative than the order of arrest.

Consequently the matter was adjourned to 21st September 2023.

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