Actor Samuel Ajibola, wife welcome baby boy

Nollywood actor, Samuel Ajibola, and his. wife Sandra have welcomed their first child; a baby boy, barely a week after the actor attained a Master’s Degree.

The new parents took to their individual Instagram accounts on Monday to share the good news.

Sharing pregnancy photos of his wife, the actor wrote, “I can’t thank God enough for you babe. He has used you to multiply my seed. Love you to bits @sandrajibola #LatestParentsInTown #BabyBoy.”

The new mum, while sharing the same photos, said, “What more can I say than Thank you, Lord! A journey that ended in Glory.”

Friends and colleagues of the couple took to the comments sections to congratulate the newest parents on the birth of their first child.

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Actor Samuel Ajibola bags Master’s degree, thanks Obasanjo for mentorship
Samuel’s announcement comes barely a week after the actor bagged a Master’s Degree in Public Administration from Ajayi Crowther University, Oyo State.

On the attainment of his degree, the actor, who was popular for his role as Spiff in The Johnsons, had appreciated former President Olusegun Obasanjo and others who had motivated him.