26-year-old South Korean actress and model, Jung Chae-yul has been found dead in her apartment.The news was announced by her agency Management S team, who shared a statement with the Korean press on Tuesday, April 11.“We have to deliver very heartbreaking and unfortunate news. Actress Chae-yul left us on April 11th,” it read, as reported by MK News.“According to the wishes of the bereaved family, who are in greater sorrow than anyone else, the funeral will be held quietly and privately.”The agency “earnestly” requested people “refrain from spreading rumours and speculative reports” about her cause of death. A cause is yet to be announced.Chae-Yul was best known as star of Netflix series Zombie Detective. Her other credits include K-drama series I Have Not Done My Best and the film Deep, which was released in 2018.She was set to appear in the TV series Wedding Impossible, which has halted production in light of the news.The CEO of Chae-Yul’s management agency was tearfully interviewed on OSEN in the wake of Chae-Yul’s death.He said: “Our Chae-Yul was very hardworking. She was a deep-hearted and cool friend. In my opinion, it is hard to describe in words how amazing she was as an actress.”Chae-Yul’s “heartbroken” fans have been sharing tributes to the star on her Instagram page.