2 internet fraudsters jailed in Port Harcourt

Two middle age men Morgan Innocent Chinda (aka Richard Johnson Adams) and Joshua Pina have been convicted and sentenced   for internet frauds.

Justice A.T. Mohammed of the Federal High Court Port Harcourt. Division sentenced Morgan Innocent Chinda (aka Richard Johnson Adams) to two years imprisonment with an option of fine of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira.

While Joshua Pina was sentenced one year imprisonment for internet- related offences. 

The two of them were separately brought to court  on one count charge  each and when the charge was read they each pleaded guilty.

Morgan Innocent Chinda  was said to have fraudulently impersonated one Richard Johnson Adams ,an American citizen and pilot working with American Airways with intent to gain advantage for himself thereby committed and an offence contrary to Section 22(2) (b) (i) of the Cybercrime (prohibition, Prevention Act 2015. Punishable under same section 22 (2)(b) (IV) of same Act.

Joshua Pina

On his part Joshua Pina (aka) Berry Williams was said to have impersonated same Berry Williams with intent to gain advantage for himself.

In view of the pleas of the defendants,   prosecution counsel,   N.A. Dodo prayed the court to convict and sentence them accordingly.   

Justice Mohammed found them guilty as charged, and consequently convicted and sentenced Chinda to two years imprisonment with an option of fine of Two Hundred and Fifty Thousand Naira (N 250,000), and Pina to one year imprisonment,  with an option of fine of Fifty Thousand Naira ( N50,000).

The judge ordered that the items recovered from the convicts at the point of arrest:  iPhone 6S, iPhone 6 and Qukitel c 19 be forfeited to the Federal government of Nigeria’.